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Tower and Town, March 2015

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Family News

Caroline and Chris Loveday are Grandparents as Tom and Catherine's daughter Cherry Beatrice arrived at the end of November, a cousin for Max who is nearly 3. Congratulations!

Brenda Down was given a warm ovation and a thank you gift at St. Mary's Church for her work in recent years as a Lay Pastoral Assistant. Brenda came to Marlborough when her late husband, Wilfred, was appointed Rector of St. Mary's in 1976. They left in 1991 but with fond memories and old friends, she came back to live in Salisbury Rd in 2003. Although retired she still helps where she can.

David and Jo Chandler emailed to thank everyone for their prayers and support in getting their seriously autistic grandson Gregory home from Swaziland. Gregory is happily settled in a specialist care home in Bridgwater. Gregory's parents, Chris and Rachel and his sister Rebecca are coming back to England early in February. Meanwhile Gregory's brother Ben, is already in England and will be living with us for a "Gap" six months.

It was Jean Tomlin's birthday in February after a difficult year. She was very ill in hospital for some weeks but with her positive attitude she is back in her flat. Helen and Margie, her daughters, say that she cooks, cleans and sews and has recently had a cataract op. She did a magnificent job organising the Turkey Work chair covers in the Merchant's House. Happy Birthday, Jean.

Jessie Pomfret died recently. She and husband Jesse came to Manton Hollow in 1956. Born in 1929, in Essex, to school-teacher parents, she was evacuated to Wales, returning after a year and refusing to go back. Later, she studied domestic science at the National Training College, became a teacher and thus met Jesse. She loved cooking and was one of a team who ran the Luncheon Club for Senior Citizens. She had a huge collection of books. She was adept at solving problems. Her generous nature will be remembered with love and gratitude by Jesse, Jessy and her many friends. Our sincere sympathy to Jesse who was organist at St. Mary's Church for many years.

Muriel Coburn moved recently to a residential home in Market Lavington. She has written of the wonderful Christmas she had. She loved the twinkling lights and decorations, the visiting musicians, making and sampling mince pies, visiting Whitehall Garden Centre and being pushed around to see the donkeys and reindeer. Father Christmas visited every resident on Christmas Eve and on Christmas Day they all enjoyed, with the staff, sitting down to the best Christmas dinner that she had ever tasted. Our very best wishes to Muriel.

June Plank of Savernake Court has died. She was born in Savernake Hospital 68 years ago and grew up in Lainey's Close. We were all shocked when her husband, Mick, died suddenly 6 years ago. She was very much respected and appreciated by members of the Golf Club during the 30 years that she worked there. Sincere sympathy to her sons Darryl and Wayne, grandchildren Sophia, Georgia and Louise and Wayne's stepsons Moss and Mon.

Audrey Peck


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