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Tower and Town, April 2015

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Clergy Letter: Easter

Driving back from Swindon this morning it was lovely to see the verges covered with crocuses blooming. After the snowdrops which have adorned the ground the crocuses are a further reminder that spring is on the way.

It's a lovely time of year as flowers start blooming, buds begin to appear and lambs arrive to bounce around the fields, all reminding us of new life bursting out after the darkness of winter.

For the Church this is Easter season - April 5th this year. We celebrate God's gift of new life through the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus told us that he came to bring life in all its fullness and so we have much to celebrate. Easter is about the triumph of light over darkness and life over death. It is a celebration of God's love and power.

The new life of springtime reflects the new life of resurrection and reminds us all of the power of God in the face of the darkness which seems to dominate our world. In the midst of winter we know that spring will come, so in the midst of death and evil and darkness we know that God triumphs through an empty tomb. This is our hope.

Every blessing!

Heather Cooper


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