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Tower and Town, April 2015

  (view the full edition)

Editorial: What Does Easter Mean To You?

What a question! Of course it means so many different things to different people. We know that in the past, Easter was a significant church festival attended by everyone and followed by community celebrations with home grown entertainment... how times have changed. In putting together this edition I had a very enjoyable time remembering Easters when I was growing up, and have also looked at traditions and rituals of other countries, as well as our own. Many of course still prevail in one shape or another, albeit in a more diluted form on the whole. We look too at some different foods from around the world which are traditionally eaten over the Easter period, and there's a recipe for you to try. Plus this month Heather Cooper writes for us reminding us what Easter is really all about. There are also one or two Reflections for us to ponder on over this time.

So then, what does Easter mean to you? I imagine for some people it is a holy time, for some a time for being with family, and some will take this opportunity to simply relax, put their feet up and unwind with a few days off .... perhaps with an Easter Quiz! Have a go at that too.

However you will be celebrating this year, have a very happy Easter!

Sue Pells


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