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Tower and Town, May 2015

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Editorial: Making A Difference

This month we all have a chance to make a difference to our lives and the lives of others in two quite different ways: first by exercising our democratic responsibility at the polls; secondly by contributing to the work of Christian Aid.

Christian Aid is 70 years old this year, and in recognition of this fact I have asked a number of people to write not just about the work of that particular charity, but also about aid projects in general such as the Humanitarian Aid Relief Trust, the Shonda Project, and a local community project initiated by St Mary's. Each in its own way provides stark evidence of the mutual benefit of reaching out that helpful hand of friendship.

On the political front there is an obvious opportunity for us all to make a difference in the forthcoming General Election. The brief I have given each of our five prospective Parliamentary candidates is to write about ways in which they would like to make a difference to our lives should they be elected to represent us on May 7th. They have generously responded despite the busyness of their schedules and I hope that what they have said, in conjunction with an awful lot more that will have been said in the run-up to polling day, will help inform you as to how you can play your part in choosing the difference that you want to make.

I suppose if you think that we live in a perfect world, you can sit back, twiddle your thumbs and do nothing. Alternatively if you want to make a difference, you really can do something about it.

David Du Croz


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