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Tower and Town, August 2015

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Why I Go Along To A Book Group

Back in the heady days of 2001 I saw a small notice pinned in the Library advertising a book group. I had been looking around for a new interest that would fit with loo king after a young child and, as I always have enjoyed reading, I went along.

The first book the group read was The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera. Not the easiest of reads to begin for me but, although I didn't join in the discussion at the group that time, I was not silent for long.

As the years rolled by the book group at the Library ceased and the remaining members decided to form the Marlborough Readers' Group and now meet in the Lamb pub.

BooksWe have read approximately 170 books since then on a huge range of subjects and authors, but what keeps me coming back for more are the people and the discussion of the group. There are around 10 or so members; over time some people leave, new ones join. The one thing in common is the love of reading and talking about books.

We have been to the Marlborough Literary Festival, seen Shakespeare performed, recommended and argued (albeit good naturedly).

I love hearing others' thoughts and opinions which are often so different from mine. Some people may get a lot out of one book, which leaves others cold. Occasionally we all like or dislike as one - I won't divulge details. In August we will be discussing The Fault in Our Stars by John Green. I am sure I will be joining in the discussion on that book!

Caroline Sadler


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