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Tower and Town, August 2015

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Singing With The Marlborough Community Choir

Much of our lives are taken up with work, family and chores so that sometimes we lose sight of the simple things that give us pleasure. Trapped in an endless routine of work, taxiing children, cooking, cleaning... you get the drift. I had reached bursting-point and struggled to see a way out of it.

Someone asked a simple yet wise question: What used to give you most pleasure when you were younger? For many people that is a particular sport, but for me it was music. I had been an average clarinet player, a less than average pianist and a member of the school choir who was enthusiastic but who never got a part in the school musical.

I put up barriers: I haven't played for thirty years, I wasn't any good; barriers to change and finding 'me' time. Luckily the person who asked the question was tenacious and suggested a local choir; perhaps there was one near me. There was! Marlborough Community Choir has a motto that shouted out to me "Anyone can sing". Would they really welcome anyone? Of any age?

The first time I turned up I was terrified, but people were immediately welcoming and we started off by just being silly. Being silly hadn't been part of my routine and I had no idea that laughing is apparently good for the voice. It was fantastic to let go and then to sing simple warm-up songs before we split into groups. The choir teaches by ear so no technical skills were required. I wasn't keen on performing and there was no pressure to do so and for a couple of years I didn't. Funny how time and finding myself changed that! Now that I have done 'being silly' and found that I love singing, I enjoy performing. We sang for the Olympic Torch, for charity concerts, at a choir festival in Stratford-on-Avon, and at the Marlborough Jazz Festival. Our repertoire ranges from Bob Dylan to Gospel, Adele to Joe Jackson, 13th century rounds to Ukrainian lullabies... any music that is fun to sing.

Much to my surprise I have also moved into a supporting role for one of the choir sections. Now I get the pleasure of seeing new people experiencing the magic for the first time. I discovered that it is true: Anyone can sing. You too can sing, and you would be very welcome to come along.

Anne Blackwell


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