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Tower and Town, August 2015

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Clergy Letter: Why I Go To Church

St Thomas MooreThe word CHURCH is used in many different senses: to mean a building, a parish, a denomination, its leadership and often a church service ('going to Church'), and so the Church is a gathering community professing its faith, preserving and passing on what it has received. Words do not suffice to explain the important things of life, so, too, signs and gestures are needed to express faith - the sign that shows what is believed, the 'what we do in Church'.

The Church is not only the building but also the assembly and gathering of God's people - His flock. The Parish Churches that I have served and loved during my 47 years (so far!) as a priest have been in Bristol, Salisbury, Stroud, Calne, Cirencester, Cheltenham and now in Marlborough (with Pewsey). Each of these has been a place of celebration and joy of the Lord's presence.

Sunday last, for example, included Saturday Evening Vigil Mass at Holy Family, Pewsey, Sunday Masses at Holy Family, Park North, Swindon (covering the holiday absence of a fellow priest) and St Thomas More, Marlborough and then an afternoon Baptism. Although a full day, I always try to spend an hour in Church on Sunday morning before beginning these occasions, preparing in prayer, reading Matins and Lauds (Office of Readings and Morning Prayer) and the rest of the time in silent prayer in the presence of the Lord. 'Wasting time with God', as a priest once said!

The Church is the most wonderful place to meet God and His people... the ultimate union with God and with humanity, and I enjoy being there for the times of joy, sadness, hope, faith and God's infinite love as this is what, I believe, God has called me to do.

Fr John Blacker


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