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Tower and Town, December 2015

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How Humans Were Made

One winter's day, when humans didn't yet roam, only four gods and their children walked the earth. When the children woke up they looked outside and to their delight there was snow falling thick and fast. Oliviarta, Poseidon's daughter, almost flooded the house with joy; Alexia, Persephone's daughter, wound her vines around most of the furniture and Elenia, Zeus's daughter, set her father's beard on fire! The gods shouted to the children, "Get out of this house right now!" and they ran out laughing with glee. Down in the underworld Hades' son, Jay, was getting ready to annoy the other children. Just before he left, his father bellowed after him, "Be very bad!"

Oliviarta, Alexia and Elenia started to build a snow woman. They made it as detailed as possible with a beautiful face, a stunning dress and petite shoes and feet. Breath-taken, Alexia whispered, "Wow," and Oliviarta cried tears of happiness. Dreamily, Elenia stared at it and noticed there was something missing. "Friends!" Elenia shouted, "She looks so lonely." So they spent another hour building a snowman with a loving heart and kind features. Meanwhile on the other side of the field Jay made a snow monster with grotesque features, stinky slime, pus-filled boils and a black heart. Unknowingly, Oliviarta exclaimed "I have an amazing idea: let's go and ask your father Elenia to make these snow creatures live"

Elenia nervously walked up to her dad and asked the important question! Her dad was furious. Quickly, Elenia sprinted away "Let's hide behind the snow man." Whilst they were crouched behind the snowman Alexia crafted a snow mirror and placed it in the snow woman's hand, not knowing what danger it would cause.

Zeus saw the snow lady with the snow man and was so angry that he tried to destroy them. He shot three massive bolts of lightning at them but instead of destroying the beautiful snow people the first bolt of lightning made man live and the second made woman come alive but then it all went wrong. The woman pulled out a mirror which the third bolt hit and it bounced the lightning to the other side of the field where it hit the monster which would bring pain, misery and death. Nobody noticed that third bolt.

"Wow," said Alexia, when she saw the effect of Zeus' power. Oliviarta called them Alisha and Tarman! So that's how humans were made by three excited children and Zeus but that monster also still lives on, leaving pain and anguish wherever he goes.



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