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Tower and Town, July 2016

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Editorial: Summertime

Ah, summertime! The very word brings joy to the heart and a smile to the face. It conjures up images of long walks in the sunshine, cricket on village greens, concerts, relaxing in the garden or on the beach with a good book, and let's not forget the ubiquitous barbecue. Although we are well into our summer by now, this issue looks at some of these heady summery pastimes.

Debbie Guest from the Whitehorse Bookshop starts us off with some great recommendations for our summer reading, or, if the cinema is more your thing, Susannah McKim reviews the film, Brooklyn, about a young woman leaving her home in Ireland in the 1950's to start a new life in America. For those of you who look forward to the thwack of leather on willow, Jo Carroll gives us a light-hearted look into the two love/hate camps of cricket. She will have us all converted! The judging of Marlborough in Bloom is almost upon us, the 19th July, and Anne Crawley takes us behind the scenes as they make preparations once again for the big day. If walking is your passion, Peter Noble shares with us one of his favourite walks, around 3 miles and circular, but not too strenuous, with some stunning views. Anna Marsden gives us an insight into the world of the Marlborough Concert Orchestra; and we are invited to reminisce with Joyce Brooks and Dr Nick Maurice on a small part of the history of Lloran House, prior to its imminent metamorphosis. We also take a look at the art of barbecuing - summer just wouldn't be the same without it; and summer in Marlborough wouldn't be the same without Giffords Circus. We have a little taster here about their new forthcoming tour, arriving in Marlborough at the end of August.

So, a lot to look forward to. Let's hope we get the summer we all deserve. Enjoy your summer activities!

Sue Pells and Sara Holden


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