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Tower and Town, July 2016

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Clergy Letter: Community And The Churches

Just after two years, I think I have ticked most of the boxes of being a 'proper Marlborough resident': I've been to a Town Council meeting; I've been to Gunjur in The Gambia; I was interviewed by Marlborough News Online; I was on the winning team of a Friends of St Mary's School Quiz; I have joined a local sports club, and, of course, I have been to most of the local pubs. Before people within Church start wondering: yes, I have been doing some work as well in the meantime!

As many of you will know, this is one of the privileges of living in Marlborough: no matter which community group you would like to join, you are always welcomed. Although I have been told I am still too young to join the U3A ... That made me ask the question: Is the Church also one of these groups? An 'activity' you can join and where you are welcome? The answer is, I think: yes, and no.

Yes, because everyone is always welcome to join at any time, and I'm not just saying that because that's part of my job: our churches are genuinely welcoming places. And it is not that difficult to find other parallels between going to Church and other activities in the Town.

No, because equally the Church is in many ways different from other community groups and clubs: it is there for everyone at any time. You don't need to 'join' to have your wedding in church, to have your children baptised, and even to go to a service, whether it is on Christmas Eve or an ordinary Sunday in July.

Of course, as in any other organisation, the work needs to be done and the bills need to be paid: churches cannot function without a large number of committed volunteers and members. But equally, part of our mission is to share those resources - our gifts - with others, with our neighbours. By doing that, we hope to show something of God's unconditional and everlasting love for everyone.

One example of this is that we try to keep our buildings open during the day. This gives anyone the opportunity to walk in, to have a look around, or just to sit for a few moments and pray if you like. Because no matter who you are, where you are, God has always time to listen.

So if you find yourself at a loose end this Summer, why not walk into Church and spend some time there? On a Sunday, or otherwise. You will notice: you are very welcome indeed!

Janneke Blockland


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