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Tower and Town, July 2016

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Pink Clouds Over Pewsey Vale

Some day I might encounter those pink clouds seen once in a picture, but regardless, a walk overlooking the Pewsey Vale is always rewarding.

A favourite is to leave the car at Knap Hill's unofficial car park on the Lockeridge to Alton Barnes Road, cross the road and head acceptably uphill to Adam's Grave with its ancient earthwork fortification. Ponder a while about life here two, perhaps three millenia ago and gaze out over the vale below; it's like looking out to sea from a coastal headland. Now turn west and follow the track along the top of the escarpment passing the Alton Barnes White Horse (you might pull out the odd weed).

Continuing, the path is sometimes a little unclear but just keep the altitude and perhaps pause for refreshment in the shelter of the gorse. Eventually swing north round Milk Hill and encounter a broad green track, a gate, a field, and then the view changes from south to north to the Marlborough Downs. Pewsey Vale White HorseWhen the view becomes wider and deeper, stop and pick out Cherhill Monument, Silbury Hill, Barbury Castle and Liddington Castle further away.

At the field's north corner right turn and you are stepping out parallel to the Wansdyke. Some people say the ditch is the dike, others the ridge beside it; whatever. You can in places follow either, or stick to the field path which does rather hide the view. After three fields, there is a meeting of tracks. Turn right and right again down a long straight track back to the road and your car.

A not too strenuous walk of perhaps three miles but definitely one to be savoured.

Peter Noble


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