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Tower and Town, August 2016

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Clergy Letter: Mother Mary and Jesus, her child

When I was asked to submit an article to Tower and Town on the subject of Mother and Child I knew from the outset that an item about my mother and me or my brother or sisters was not being asked for! But to write in the context of the Christian Faith about Mary and her child, Jesus Christ, the Son of Mary and Son of God.

Mary, Mother of God, was one of the first titles ever given to Mary in the earliest years of Christianity. Theotokos (God-bearing) - this title was conferred on Mary, Mother of Jesus, at the Council of Ephesus in AD 431. We meet a woman caught up perfectly in love for God. Her response at the Annunciation (Luke 1:38) flows from that love. Like every loving response it is free and at the same time, a foregone conclusion. A true love is compelling. At times, like all mothers, she is bewildered and unsure; at times, and to the end, she shares deeply in every emotion. But her bond with her son is unshaken. Her life is dominated by her love for Him and His love for her. She takes her place by His Cross, for she has heard the word of God and believed it - her fidelity in love is triumphant.

At all levels the gospel tradition shows us that Mary is first and foremost 'The Mother of Jesus', her child. The gospels call her by this simple title (Matthew 3:31; Luke 2:48; John 2:1-12; 19:25). It defines her calling. Her maternity is voluntary (Luke 1:26-38). When Mary gave birth to Jesus, her work, like that of all mothers, was just beginning. She had to rear Jesus (Luke 2:48). Mary remained mother when Jesus arrived at adulthood, for she was found near her Son at the time of painful separations (Mark 3:21&31; John 19:25). At Calvary we see the fulfilment of her maternity, as her dying Son, calls her to be the Mother of the people of God - our Mother in the person of John the evangelist to look after Mary, and Mary to look after John.

Mary (Mother) and Jesus (her child) are a great cause of joy, not just at Advent and Christmas time, but all the time. May we, like Mary, say "yes" to God's plan for our lives and say "yes", like her child, to Our Father's plan - "Thy Will be done" as we pray the Lord's Prayer that He gave us.

Father John Blacker


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