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Tower and Town, August 2016

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Life as a Working Mum

My son Rory was born in April last year. I was quite well prepared for motherhood compared to most people because when I was young my mother was a child-minder but I have become completely obsessed. I miss him when he's asleep! It's all-consuming and I didn't expect it. I really like it when he curls up on me. I like the fact that he copies me and has a little personality. He's cheeky!

I was not at all happy about going back to work. I had that back-to-school, Sunday night feeling. In fact I went back early because a new job came up. If I'd known it would be OK I wouldn't have wasted all that worrying! It was stressful, though. It came at the wrong time. We got the keys to our new place on Friday, I went back to work on Monday and on Wednesday (my second day at work) my gran died. I was very stressed. I was lucky to have Rory to take my mind off it but it was fine once I did it.

My mum looks after Rory while I'm at work. I can take him to her then walk to work. If I had to leave him at nursery, financially there would be no point. If he's poorly I can still send him to mum. At nursery you're torn between work relying on you and getting the phone call to come and get him when he's sick. He'll go to nursery when he's older.

I enjoy my work. The hours fit in well with Rory. It's not at all stressful, everybody's easy-going. It's nice to be with people who have older children or haven't had them yet. They give good child-care tips and they are not competitive as other young mothers can be! Working also gives you financial independence. You're on a more equal footing with your partner; it's not 'take, take, take', you give something back.

I do find it hard to return to work after Bank Holidays. But I don't have time to think about missing Rory. Working as a dental nurse, you've got to get your job right and sterilise properly! I think I've got the right balance. I wouldn't go back to full time; part time's perfect.

Juliette Long


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