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Tower and Town, August 2016

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Building Bridges after the Referendum

From Quaker Life- June 2016:

The outcome of the EU referendum and the campaigning that led up to it have shown up and sometimes exacerbated divisions within and between our communities.There is now a great need for bridge-building, for reaching out to one another in love, trusting that below the political differences lie a shared humanity and a wish for flourishing communities.

Inequalities run deep in society and some are exposed by the vote. Quakers in England, Scotland and Wales are committed to working together and with others - including Quakers across Europe - for a peaceful and just world.In the coming year our Quaker Yearly Meeting will focus on building movements with others locally and globally. We refuse to prejudge who is or is not an ally.

Turbulent times can be frightening, but the Spirit is a source of strength for all, guiding us in who we are and what we do. We take heart from the knowledge that with change comes opportunity. We will look for creative ways to find common cause, to listen, to influence and to persuade. As the status quo is shaken we and our neighbours must look to one another for support, wisdom and above all ways of healing divisions.

The above expresses my feelings as I write this, three days after the referendum result. We hear such a mixture of views but must show solidarity and welcome especially our friends and relations from other countries who we need and from whom we gain so much. Many have expressed deep feelings of fear and insecurity.

For me I am not sure that outward circumstances are directly affected by prayer but indirectly by the working of mind upon mind, when great changes may come about. We live and move and have our being in a world where forces greater than our individual minds are at work and through prayer can allow these to work bringing our lives into a deeper sense of unity.

In our local Quaker Healing Group, which meets once a month, we don't expect God to make things physically better but to enable us to think of how best to ease the pain of ourselves and others. This is often by just being present and listening.

Pray on.

Rachel Rosedale


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