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Tower and Town, October 2016

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Editorial: Reflections on the Amazing Summer of 2016

This October edition of Tower and Town seems to have taken on a life of its own. I had originally planned for it to have a central theme of "Loneliness", both because it reflected my own mood at the time, but also because it seemed to me that, in an increasingly polarised world, many of you, our readers, could identify with this. Debbi Burch has contributed a very fine and thought-provoking article on this theme.

However as this extraordinary year of 2016 went by, so many events took on an extra momentum and importance; this coincided also with my attaining the (once) venerable age of 70 - this certainly gave me extra impetus to consider my relationship with myself and the world around me.

So whilst not abandoning the original theme, it has turned into an Edition of (rather personal) reflections on the year as it has unfolded, with particular reference to the Brexit issue, itself an example of the voluntary Isolation sought by the majority of voters. The amazing political and social developments all over the world and the increasing uncertainty surrounding all our futures only add to our unease.

On a positive note, much of the content has been provided by my new-found Facebook friends; these include several excellent writers and commentators, who have undoubtedly broadened and enriched my view of the world, as well as making me laugh.

It is also the eve of the Marlborough Literary Festival, and this literary connection seems very appropriate.

You may agree or disagree strongly with some of my views. Please let me know, and we will happily accommodate your arguments, both for and against

Andrew Unwin


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