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Tower and Town, November 2016

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Clergy Letter

Autumn is one of the loveliest of the seasons and it is a real joy to see the rich colours as the leaves change and the autumnal mists wrapped around the trees, river beds and slopes of Savernake Forest.

It is also a season that reminds us of the fact that death is part of the cycle of life and that within this is also the promise and hope of new life next spring.

For me, autumn and spring are the richest of the seasons. They are seasons of transition and seasons of hope whereas winter and summer seem so much more definite in their character.

I also love autumn for the harvest festivals - now past - that we celebrate in our churches to remind ourselves of God's provision.

This year Christchurch chose to support Tools with a Mission as its harvest charity. This meant that instead of the usual produce displays we collected old unwanted tools. There was an amazing collection of tools of every description at the front on Harvest morning. These will be refurbished and sent out to Africa where they will be used to help people establish work for themselves. Our unwanted tools will become carpenters' kits, farmers' kits, scholars' kits, tailors' kits etc. All of these designed to help people become independent and self - supporting. The motto for TWAM this year is "The gift that keeps on Giving".

An old sewing machine or a garden pitchfork may seem a far cry from the baskets of apples and collections of garden veg of old harvests but each in their way are reminders of God's provision and our part in sharing our wealth with others. These are all gifts of hope and generosity.

As we enjoy the autumn beauty around us let's remember to be thankful that we live in a beautiful place and for all the signs of hope and promise that autumn holds.

Every blessing.

Heather Cooper


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