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Tower and Town, November 2016

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St Non's Retreat

This was my first visit to St Non's, and what a treat! St Non's is a peaceful and comfortable house where we were made very welcome by the sisters there. We were also extremely well fed!

The retreat was very ably led by Janneke who took us on a journey together looking at "Our Response to God's Love". The subject matter produced a great deal of honest and open discussion. I felt extremely privileged to be with a group of people from the Marlborough Christian community who were prepared to be vulnerable and real with each other. Throughout the retreat, I felt stimulated, challenged and supported.

Our days began and ended in prayer using a variety of formats and we had periods of silence which allowed some time for personal space.

The sessions spent inside were complemented by wonderful walks along the Pembrokeshire coast where the beauty of God's creation was all around us. We were blessed with lovely weather (indeed 3 of the group swam on two afternoons - being less brave, a paddle was enough for me!).

Back now in Marlborough, I am aware I have deepened some relationships and created new ones and I am very grateful for that. Reflecting on some of the deep questions posed during the retreat, I am looking forward to Alpha and the opportunity for more discussion. Being amongst other Christians with other backgrounds, experiences and insights helps me to consider more deeply my own views and to continue to grow.

Of course every year the retreat will be different, but I would recommend the St Non's experience to anyone who has considered it but not yet managed to attend - next year's dates are again in September: Tuesday 12th to Friday 15th.

Debbie Ryman


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