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Tower and Town, December 2016

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Editorial: St Peter's Celebratory Edition

At this hugely exciting time for the School we are delighted to be asked to contribute to the Tower and Town magazine. and would like to thank Jenny Swankie, our curriculum leader, for her hard work and commitment in driving the project forward.

From September 2016, St Mary's Infant School and St Peter's Junior School amalgamated to become Marlborough St Mary's. The children can now be seen all over town in their smart red uniforms with the striking logo that they designed. But along with the excitement of things new, many pupils, teachers and families will be sad to leave the old St Peter's building with its wealth of history and memories.

This term the children from Key Stage 2 have been finding out about the history of the old St Peter's building; what the building was used for and what school life was like through the early and later years. Among other things, the children have had the opportunity to explore 1960s art work, interview past pupils and find out about artefacts discovered in a time-capsule in one of the tunnels under the school.

The children of the town of Marlborough were originally educated in an all-through primary school, when in 1849 a school room was opened for 64 boys and 60 girls at the junction of the High Street and Hyde Lane. The school was later divided into boys and girls and in 1962 the older children moved into the St Peter's building. We have now come full circle and are looking forward to moving back together in our beautiful new school.

We hope, along with most of Marlborough, that the old St Peter's building will be restored to its former glory and become a focal part of Marlborough life.

Anne Schwodler
Head Teacher


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