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Tower and Town, December 2016

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Clergy Letter

Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today ... a Saviour has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord. Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favour rests.
Luke 2: 10 & 14

Is it just me, or is this true for you too? Some of the best conversations I have are 'on the edges' of other things. I'll be on my way to something, possibly running late, maybe standing in a car park, or walking down the High Street, and will find myself in the most interesting, or moving, or funny, or spiritual discussion I've had all week! It's happened a lot recently. I wonder whether it's because this festive season is 'on the edge' and we're in a reflective mood looking back over 2016 and anticipating the New Year. In this doorway between the years we look back over the joy and sadness, adventure and illness, wonderful surprises and bitter disappointments we've faced and hope for the very best for 2017.

It's the same every year. As all the Christmassy-ness gathers speed we see more clearly the contrast between the world as it is and the world as it should be yet we continue to hope that the message that the angels brought to the shepherds will be fulfilled in our homes and across the world. Amongst the presents and the mince pies, the office parties and the seasonal sales we look for a world without fear where every family lives in joy and peace.

For me this yearning for good-will, joy and peace is a wonderful reminder that we human beings are made in God's image. He loves each one of us and so he gave the first Christmas gift, Jesus, that tiny baby born to be the Saviour of the world. He didn't stand aloof from our suffering and fear. He sent his Son to share human life and to replace brokenness and fear with wholeness and healing. So when we donate to charity, or choose gifts to bless friends, neighbours and loved ones, our actions echo the music of God's actions; our hearts beat with the same rhythm as his heart. This is a powerful idea because it frees us from the fear that we can never do enough, or be good enough to see real changes for good in the world. It reminds us that just as the angels played their part in God's great plan and brought the good news to the shepherds, we can play our part when we love and give and cherish the message of hope in our own hearts and in the hearts of others.

My prayer for us all is that this Christmas will bring us, and everyone we love, great joy and peace and that 2017 may be free from fear and filled with blessings.

Miri Keen


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