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Tower and Town, December 2016

  (view the full edition)

Testing Times

11+ Questions
Choose the correct word from the words in brackets.

  1. The rain did (pour, paw, pore, poor) when it came.
  2. Add all the odd numbers between 10 and 20.
  3. There was a lovely (sent, scent, cent) in the air.
  4. 615 divided by 3
  5. SAIRINS are used in Christmas puddings.
  6. Complete the following by giving words expressing sound and ending in 'ing',
    e.g. the humming of telephone wires.
    the ................. of leaves

Early SATs:
Circle two numbers which add to make 0.12
  1. 0.1 0.5 0.05 0.07 0.7 0.02
  2. Science: Explain why a stick makes a sound on a block of wood.
  3. Science: Explain how the sound can be made louder.
  4. Chris saves 50p coins. He has saved 45 of them. How much has he saved?
  5. Calculate ¾ of 840.
  6. Circle the connective:
  7. The children played football until it was time to go to bed.

New SATs:
Circle the two noun phrases:
  1. The hungry cats looked longingly at the delicious fish.
  2. Insert a colon correctly:
  3. I have three pets a hamster (called Frankie), a goldfish and a cat.
  4. Ali is 1.2m tall. Jack is 15 cm taller. What is Jack's height in cm?
  5. 3.005 + 6.12
  6. Circle the object in the sentence.
  7. My friend bought a cake from the bakery.
  8. Insert a semi-colon correctly:
  9. There are Roman ruins near our village they are being excavated next week.

Adam and Ruby, Year 6


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