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Tower and Town, December 2016

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Future Use Of The School Building

One project was to write to the Council with suggestions for the future use of the St Peter's buildings. The letters were to be properly laid out, and suggestions to be persuasively argued. Five letters were presented, one of which is reproduced here; none has yet been sent. The other four suggestions are for a Science Museum; an Entertainment Centre; a Theatre; and a Children's Home and Animal Rescue Centre.

Marlborough St Mary's
The Parade
Friday 7th October 2016

Dear Wiltshire County Council,

In response to your letter regarding the use of the school building in The Parade Marlborough; I strongly feel that it should be used as a community centre for the local residents. If this idea is introduced, it will allow for the following: a wide range of physical activities, a coffee morning for the elderly and lots of activities for young families.

Firstly, a community centre could benefit the town of Marlborough. As well as being a community centre, the building will maintain the iconic and historic elements of the building. As a child at the new school, I know that the majority of the population living in Marlborough attended the school; therefore, a lot of people will want the building to stay intact. Surely you would not want to have your childhood memories destroyed?

Around Marlborough there are a lot of old people's homes and getting them out and about will be good for their health. Currently in Marlborough there are not a lot of places that old people can access so having a community centre will help provide an opportunity for them to socialise. In the care homes they could get quite cooped up, therefore they can visit and enjoy walking round the garden at the community centre instead. It could massively improve their health and wellbeing.

A lot of the time young families who cannot drive do not have a lot to do. The community centre can introduce a lot of activities for the public. One thing they will introduce is trips, for example, to the beach. This would give people a chance to socialise and make new friends. They could also start a playgroup for young children and have a wide range of social activities. This would give them a chance to catch up and have a chat.

To conclude my letter, I think that this is clearly the best idea for the use of the building. Something as simple as a community centre could change Marlborough's future. I look forward to discussing this with you in more depth in person.

Yours sincerely

Ruby, Year 6 pupil

Ruby, Year 6


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