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Tower and Town, December 2016

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Did You Know?

By interviewing past pupils and teachers from the Grammar School and St Peter's Junior School we found out lots of interesting facts!

  1. Did you know the slightest mistake, such as not spelling the word on the chalk board, for pupils in the 50s and 60s could result in a punishment?
  2. Did you know the willow tree in the quiet area was planted by the caretaker Harold More just before 1972? Accompanying the willow tree at the time was a pond.
  3. Did you know that when the building was the Grammar School the playground was divided in half? One half was for the girls and the other side for the boys!
  4. Did you know during the war some of the sixth formers at the Grammar School covered and taught some of the lessons?
  5. Did you know that the building was built in phases? The last phase to be built was the downstairs classroom at the back of the school. It was used by the sixth formers at The Grammar School and was used mostly as a classroom by the year 6 pupils at St Peter's. Currently, in the first year of Marlborough St Mary's it is still a year 6 classroom.
  6. Did you know that a punishment from the 1960s was to stand under the clock? The old clock travelled from St Peter's when it moved from the library building and is currently found in the library at the school today!

Year 6


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