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Tower and Town, December 2016

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Year 3 Interviews Mr Hands The Caretaker

The children in year 3 interviewed Mr Hands the caretaker to find out lots of information about St Peter's Junior School. We thought Mr Hands would be the best person to interview about the school as he has worked here since 1999 until 2016.

We found out that Monica Weston was headteacher from 1987 - 1999 and there is a plaque on the front of the school. Then there was a headteacher called Mr Clark who worked from 1999 - 2006 and then there was Mrs Spindlow until 2016. Every Friday afternoon, Mr Clark used to play football with the children.

Something funny we found out was that the boys' toilets used to be in the carpark! This didn't change until the 2000s. The school even had a kiln outside for all the pottery work the children did. That would have been fun.

We have a quiet area and it has been around for a long time. There used to be a pond in this area but it got filled in in the 1990s. I wonder what it would be like to have a pond here now.

We have found out lots of information about St Peter's Junior School but we are very excited about being Marlborough St Mary's and we are looking forward to having a brand new school.

Year 3


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