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Tower and Town, February 2017

  (view the full edition)

Editorial:Old Year, New Year

One hundred years ago the people of this country were half way through the most appalling war. The brief biographical details of the local men who died in combat in 1916, compiled by Andrew Ross and published here with his kind permission, help us imagine the impact of their deaths upon their families and the community here in Marlborough. Lauren Bird, of St John's Academy, reflects the horrors of war in the fine, powerful poem that she has voluntarily submitted to us.

Richard Shaw takes a longer view of the Brexit controversy by putting it in a deeper historical context. Andrew Studdert-Kennedy suggests that in the New Year we can improve upon the Old Year, with its divisive, polarising arguments, by dropping our defensive posture and attending more confidently to other people's views and listening to them without anxiety. Rachel and Deborah, the team at Mustard Seed, recommend three worthwhile books to encourage us to step outside and beyond ourselves.

More of Mark Clements' recollections of his boyhood in Marlborough complete the lively article he sent to us last year and will remind many readers of growing up in this town. But we should take nothing for granted. A volunteer who drives people who need transport from LINK to reach their surgery or hospital appointment reminds us that this much valued organization needs recruits; and Clare Napier appeals for help for Kennet Furniture Recycling.

John Osborne


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