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Tower and Town, February 2017

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The Work Of LINK

Marlborough & District LINK is a Good Neighbour Scheme which is run by volunteers in our local community.

I am a widower living alone, and in addition to many other interests, I became a volunteer driver for LINK when I relocated to Marlborough, and I have never looked back! The people I meet and the places I go are quite remarkable. I use my own car and I offer my time for as long as I can, when I can and if I can. It is indeed one of the most rewarding interests I have experienced. Those we help are such interesting people from all walks of life and who enjoy recounting stories of past times. I feel proud to belong to such a practical effort to help our local community.

I shall always remember my first task when I became a driver. I was asked to collect a lady from Christchurch at 2.00 p.m. take her home and then be available for the next task at Savernake Hospital at 3.00 p.m. On expressing surprise at the time scale in driving back from Christchurch in Hampshire as I thought, I was told Christchurch was our local Methodist Church.

Another task I was asked to do at an instant was to collect a gentleman from the Marlborough Medical Practice and take him to A&E at Great Western Hospital. He was alone and bewildered with no family support. I stayed with him for the regulation 4 hours in A&E and after he was admitted, I returned home 'empty'. What a joy it was to have been there for this gentleman all alone and fearful. I thought, as most of our volunteers think, what if it had been me? So I hope LINK will continue for the years to come.

Of course, this will only be the case if we attract more volunteers. So if anybody wants more information about our organisation, please do give LINK a ring on 01672 288007. I hope you will be there for me when I am in need.

A Volunteer Driver


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