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Tower and Town, June 2017

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The Royal Navy Association

When did you join the Royal Navy?

I joined in 1953 and very quickly went to sea on HMS Eagle - a new aircraft carrier flying among other types Supermarine Attackers, early jets built at Stratton. I was a artificer and known as Fixer Hicks. In 1954 HMS Eagle went back to the dockyard for an angle deck to be fitted but I rejoined her when she was back at sea [editorial note: the angled flight deck was canted over by 8.5° to allow landing aircraft which missed an arrester wire to bolt over the side without crashing into aircraft taking off or parked at the bow]. In 1957 I joined the Ark Royal and we sailed to Norfolk, Virginia, in the USA passing the replica Mayflower in mid-Atlantic; she was almost out of vittles but bizarrely refused offers of more provisions. In 1960 I formally transferred to the Fleet Air Arm and finished my service in 1962 at RNAS Yeovilton. When I joined in 1953 I had been issued with a cut-throat razor and a ration book. Neither of these needed to be returned.

Tell me a little about the RNA in Marlborough

We were founded in 1986. I was a founder member and am now the chairman.RNA Crest We number about 18 and last year received a shield from RNA HQ for the most rapid growth in membership of any UK branch, though this was measured as a percentage and if you start with smallish numbers two new members can be a big percentage. After a tussle with HQ we now accept seamen from the merchant service as full 'dark blue' members (they used to be 'light blue' and second tier). For many years our numbers included John O'Keefe, a merchant seaman and a veteran of the North Atlantic convoys, and at present our Vice Chairman is Brian Bearman, late of the merchant service. Our Honorary Secretary is Clive Bristow, who does a grand job with PR and accounts. He is reachable on 01672 514151.

We meet socially twice a month on the second Friday at the Conservative Club and parade with our standard on Remembrance Sunday.

David Hicks


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