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Tower and Town, August 2017

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Family News

Kim Mary Gray and Max Francis, both from Marlborough families, were married in St. Mary's. Kim was given away by her grandfather Tony Gray, and her sister Jo and cousins Mollie and Harriet Philpott were bridesmaids alongside the Groom's sister Holly and friends Izzi Hazeldene and Sophie Randall. The wedding celebrations were held in the Town Hall and they honeymooned in Thailand. They will live in Kim's great grandmother, Sylvia's, former home in the High Street.

Pat Goldsmith died peacefully on June 9th. Our sympathy to Colin and their children, Paul, Bridget, Madeleine, Jill and Celia. She had been ill for some time but was well enough to enjoy a party for their Diamond Wedding two years ago. She trained as an artist at the Royal Academy in London and loved her painting, pottery and printing. Some oil paintings of Marlborough rooftops (including some from the top of the tower of St Peter's church) were made into postcards and are very popular.

William Presley was nearly 98 when he died. He grew up near Radstock and worked in the mines for 15 years. He came here in about 1950 and married Caroline Light, becoming step-father to her six children. He worked for the Town Council, as a porter at Savernake Hospital, and for the County Council. He was a keen walker and he enjoyed day trips and short breaks, especially to see the Blackpool illuminations. Our sympathy to his son, Brian, and his family.

Gerald Smith was probably one of the best known Marlborough residents. He ran Smiths Greengrocers, first with his father, Jack, and many years later his son, Tim, joined him. His late wife, Dot, helped them on busy days. In retirement he volunteered for LINK, driving people to appointments, etc. He was a quiet man but always willing to join in the fun. He sang with the Kennet Singers and, with his partner, Maureen, enjoyed trips with Lockeridge Over 60's. He had recently offered to take on being secretary to the club. St. Mary's was full for the Service in his memory. We send our condolences to Tim and Julie and families and to his brothers Colin and Richard and to his sister, Pat, who was not able to come from her home in Canada.

In my family Laura Clarkson-Cowles and her partner Lewis Richards had a beautiful, very sleepy baby girl, Harper Elizabeth, in June. She is a second grandchild for Caroline (Carrie) and another great grandchild for me. They have just moved in to their new home in Didcot.

My apologies to Sylvia Stroud for my misunderstandings last month about her book. The corrections are on page 17.


Sylvia Stroud has written an online book Born at Chopping Knife about her life in Minal before, during and after WW2. She was born at Chopping Knife Lane but moved to Minal at the age of five where she lived until after she was married. She spent an hour each evening for many months writing about her memories of rationing, evacuees, American soldiers and the slow recovery after the war. The book can found at

Audrey Peck


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