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Tower and Town, September 2017

  (view the full edition)

Editorial: Pleasures and Challenges of a Headteacher

As the seasons of the year, one academic year comes to an end and another begins with no doubt a hugely welcome respite for all teaching staff during July and August when 'batteries can be recharged' before the start of the next round of responsibilities for the children and young adults in their charge.

I am sure all would agree that we are beholden to our teachers for the knowledge, skills and attitudes that they imparted to us and imprinted on us during our schooldays, some perhaps having a greater impact than others, but that maybe as much a reflection of our individual abilities (or lack of same) as their ability to get the information across. And perhaps we take for granted what we have been taught and the extra-curricular activities that were provided for us and the impact that they had on our later lives and in particular our professions, and do not adequately express our gratitude for the legacy our school years left to us.

I felt it would be useful to hear from our local head teachers and others how they see their responsibilities, what they see as the pleasures and challenges of being a head teacher or school chaplain and perhaps how they see the broad function of education and how they would define "success" in the education of an individual student.

I am very grateful for their fascinating and varied contributions.

Having done a little work recently with Claire Roberts Lamont from the United Nations High Commission for Refugees, I have asked her to write for us, thus moving from local schools to bringing this major global problem to the Tower and Town readership. I hope you will respond by signing the petition calling for greater concern and care for so many people.

Nick Maurice


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