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Tower and Town, October 2017

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Arts Review

Annie Monk at the White Horse Gallery: Acrylics

There is a universal sigh when September arrives - its "back to school", let's get ready for Christmas and the miserable 4 pm blackouts. If, like me, you are suffering from a bout of summer withdrawal symptoms, I suggest you take yourself off to The White Horse Gallery, where the very essence of those two marvellous weeks we had in June are captured in the hot, energetic acrylic and mixed media work of award winner and White Horse tutor, Annie Monk. Following her national award for floral study, Annie's floral paintings are now promoted and sold in many leading art galleries in London and around the country.

Simply titled Acrylics this exhibition of new abstract work is as bold and as rich as the very medium itself. Annie's work largely focuses around landscapes, seascapes and still life. Thick textures, strong colour, and a healthy measure of energy and spontaneity are the very tools with which Annie builds her work. These are the things that motivate the artist, and direct her, as well as the painting, allowing greater freedom of movement, taking any piece in a new direction. In some cases, the painting has ended up being totally different from the original idea. This tactile approach to working means there can be more room for interpretation from the viewer.

Each time you see this exhibition, you spot something new: you see things differently, something has changed, you see more colours or a different structure. To understand what is trying to be achieved in each piece, you need to stand back far enough to see the form in its entirety. Each piece becomes more complex and unclear the closer you get, but this reflects the way Annie builds her pictures, and how her quick techniques, instinct and imagination help the painting to evolve.

This is a hot, majestic, interesting exhibition that echoes those balmy summer nights. I've eyed up two already.

Gabriella Venus


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