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Tower and Town, March 2018

  (view the full edition)

Be Prepares: A Poem

For some efficient types I know, well nothing could be easier
than making sure they've always got a very well-stocked freezer.
They know if unexpected guests should show up day or night
they can say with total confidence, "You must stay for a bite".
There'll be a home-made pie or two, some soup, a cake, a stew...
and pop it in the microwave is all they'll have to do.
Their larder will be brimming with the kinds of things you spy
in those fancy delis ... but you'd never ever buy;
the sauces and the marinades, six different types of rice,
oriental things in tins and jars of most exotic spice.
Their fridge will yield fresh pasta, pesto sauce and things in brine,
sun-dried tomatoes soaked in oil, and of course some chilled white wine.
There'll be a good French cheese or two, some salami, and pāté
and a choice of salad leaves (and vinaigrettes, needless to say!).
And finally some nice fresh herbs, coriander, thyme and dill
can just be plucked from little pots along the window sill.
They will fling all this together and in the twinkle of an eye
a gastronomic feast appears for those who just dropped by.

But if quite unexpectedly you dropped in to chez-nous
let's take a look to see what I might have in store for you...
the freezer's always worth a try, and yields the odd surprise...
and yes, I've found some ice-pops and a big bag of French fries!
And you just can't beat fish fingers for a quick and easy meal,
I could always do them gratinée depending how you feel.
And what is this right at the back? I've seen that tub before...
it's labelled puréed baby food ... that baby is now four!
Well now let's try the larder, take a look to see what's there...
(though that Mother Hubbard feeling tells me I will find it bare).
Well, here's a tin of best baked beans, we can split it if you're willing...
or what about these taco shells, though sorry, I've no filling.
There's a packet of basmati rice, with some sauce it would be fine
I can just make out the sell-by date ... October '89.
And finally, I'll check the fridge though I'm mortified to say
my last sun-dried tomatoes all got used up yesterday.
Apart from that there's a pack of lard, one egg, a sausage roll,
and I cannot quite identify what's in the little bowl.
So all potential visitors, there's one thing I would say;
if you're planning to surprise me, do please bring a take-away!

(All my attempts to contact the author for permission to print were unsuccessful - editor)

Judy Rose


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