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Tower and Town, May 2018

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Family News

Molly Tarring, eldest daughter of Ben and Clare who live in St. Martins. is in the third year of a four year law degree with a difference. She is studying French Civil Law with European Studies and is spending a year in Aix-en-Provence. She went to St. Marys, St. Peters, St. Johns and then to the College for A levels.

'Novelist Vanessa Lafaye, 54, was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2009, when she was Neurosciences Editor at Oxford University Press. In 2014, the cancer returned, and secondary tumours spread to her brain, liver and lung. In her blog, Vanessa, who lives in Marlborough with husband James and their pet cats, chronicles her determination to live life to the full while dying'. That is how the Daily Mail described Vanessa but locally we knew her as the inspiring leader of Marlborough Community Choir. She said that if you can talk you can sing and on Wednesday evenings in St Peters Church we laughed and sang. She never criticised, just smiled and encouraged. She conducted the choir at the Civic Dinner in the Town Hall in February but died a few days later. The choir supported her family and friends at an evening to celebrate her life as they had at the launch of her two successful novels. The choir, in a different format, will start again led by her friend, Vicky. We are very sad for James, her mother Patricia, step-father Edward, and brother Larry, and her old friends in Florida where she grew up.

Douglas Peck died in March after a long illness.He grew up in Fyfield. After Lockeridge School he started an apprenticeship with Herd and Leaders Garage in the High St, now W. H. Smiths. Apart from enjoying country and western music his work and hobbies were all based on engines. He watched speedway at Blunsdon, scrambling and, on TV, he followed TT from the Isle of Man and he was a member of Marlborough Motor Cycle Club. As a young man the other young men gathered in his parents' garage to learn how to repair their motor cycles. His national service was in the Royal Artillery in Bulford. He and Elsie were married in Ogbourne St. George Church in 1953. Their sons, Graham and Nigel, were born after they moved in to their home for about 60 years in Elcot Lane. We send our sympathy to all the family.

Tony Killick died on 28th March, aged 81, at Great Western Hospital. Born in Enfield, London, his family moved to Brighton where he attended Varndean Grammar School, then did his National Service in the Royal Signals. He met Margaret in 1962 at Cheltenham Young Conservatives and in 1966, a year after their marriage, they moved to Marlborough. Margaret was a teacher at St. Peters and Tony followed a career in sales. He enjoyed an active retirement . A regular worshipper at St Mary's, he also joined the U3A's walking, theatre, wine and current affairs groups, Pewsey Bowls Club, the Local History Society and, for many years, sang with the Marlborough Choral Society and the Marlborough College Choral Society. Tony always enjoyed his weekly cycle rides and walks with neighbours, and, in recent times, keep fit classes at Marlborough Leisure Centre. The funeral took place on 19th April at St Mary's with burial at Marlborough Cemetery. He is much missed by his wife Margaret, daughters Julia and Angela and grandchildren Alice and Kate.

Leslie Sanderson and his late wife, Mary, were keen travellers, they met in Switzerland, but chose Marlborough in 1983 for their retirement.They had lived in Wembley, He trained to be an accountant but changed careers and became an experimental and prototype engineer for Hoover. This skill was used in tool making for aircraft during the war. He had been a Labour Councillor for Hounslow, a member of CND and the leader of a club for walking holidays. Since retiring he joined the Civic Society and the Ramblers and enjoyed stewarding at the Jazz Festival. Sincere sympathy to his sons, Malcolm and Andrew.

Jill Pearce and Michael moved to Hazel Close in 1998. Michael previously worked for Ilford Photos. and Jill had her own Language School in London. They immediately joined U3A. Jill, who was an Oxford Graduate, took two French Groups and a German Group and latterly a Group about Shakespeare. After Michael died Jill moved to Town Mill but later last year, owing to ill health, she moved to Cardiff to be near her son, Richard. Robert, her other son lives in America. She died last month and will be missed by all her friends..

Pat Robinson died in January. She was pleased to come back to Wiltshire with her late husband, John in 2003 .He had managed the estates at Great Chalfield Manor, Bowood and Druids Lodge. She was a keen needlewoman, joining the Embroiderers Guild and the Quilting Group and volunteering at the Merchants House. She enjoyed living near her daughter, Helen, who lives and works at Greatwood Stables, Clench Common. Sincere sympathy to Helen and her brothers, Bruce, Daniel and Matthew.

John Stedman, eldest son of the Head of Marlborough Grammar School and St. Johns, Alfred Stedman, died in Savernake Hospital in March. He was 89 and had lived in Ramsbury for 20 years. Of the Stedman children, John, Eleanor, Michael, Pamela and Alison only Pam and her younger sister remain. Pam recently wrote her memories of being a child in Marlborough schools in T & T. John went to Marlborough schools but was at the College for his 6th form studies. He lived and worked mainly in India and Africa. His late wife was Indian and John spoke fluent Gujurati. He had three children and three grandchildren. Our sympathy to them all.

Audrey Peck


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