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Tower and Town, July 2018

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Editorial: Marlborough's Green Spaces

How many towns, I wonder, have such a wealth of lovely green spaces open to the public within its borders? And, as a bonus, most of these places have a long and fascinating history which adds to my enjoyment when I walk through them. I hope readers will enjoy being reminded of the backgrounds when you next visit Cooper's Meadow, the Priory Gardens, the Old Graveyard, St Peter's or the Green.

This list doesn't exhaust the pleasant open spaces - there are the large open recreational areas such as the Common and the recreation ground on the Mead. Both of these have rich histories, but that can wait for another day. There are also the very attractive Wye Gardens, the churchyard of St Mary's and the stunning newly developed Stonebridge Meadow

The month of July seems the right time of year to draw our attention to these spaces - the warm evenings and early mornings are a particularly delightful time to walk among them - and even better if there is a dog at home to share your enjoyment.

Sara Holden


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