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Tower and Town, August 2018

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My Love Of Music

Music has always been a part of my life. My mother and father are both trained professional singers, so I am constantly surrounded by music, especially singing. As I've got older singing has become a passion for me too. Throughout my education I have sung in all the school choirs available to me; I have been privileged to take part in many concerts and choral competitions, and nothing can stop me singing in the shower or humming a tune whilst completing my homework.

Music is one constant feature in my day-to-day life which enriches and uplifts. I may be the only person in my school year who has sung works by Handel and Bach, but I am certain that my broad knowledge of music (fostered by my parents) has made me richer culturally and a more interesting person. I believe that music, and singing in particular, should be an important part of everyone's life. Music allows you to escape reality as you lose yourself in the rhythm and the melody, and I believe that our identity is partly determined by the music we choose to listen to, or sing.

I am lucky that I am exposed to so many genres of music: I sing with Marlborough Choral Society (MCS) and I always say that I am proud to be their youngest member. Singing with MCS is the most wonderful experience. Despite the difference between my age and that of some of the other members, we are all brought together by the shared joy we find in singing.

People often ask me why I like singing and the honest answer is it gives me a sense of power and identity, something which many teenagers struggle with. The difficulty many people find expressing themselves is made so much easier through singing. It is something I am very lucky to have easy access to. I would recommend singing to anyone, even if it's just in the bathroom. Music is so important to all of our lives and I'm glad it plays such an important role in mine.

Kate Pooley


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