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Tower and Town, August 2018

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Music At Marlborough College

Music at Marlborough College offers something truly special both to the College community and to the public and parents, all of whom are fortunate enough to witness the very many concerts and events that take place throughout the year.

Over the last decade or so, far greater emphasis has quite rightly been placed within the College on the importance of a strong cultural heart, and music naturally plays a vital role in that process. Well over 500 pupils are actively involved in music within the College, spearheaded by 40 high quality Music Scholars who offer so much in energy, inspiration and talent to the greater enjoyment of all. Hardly a day goes by without some musical event of note, be it an informal concert, a chapel service, an evening recital, a masterclass, workshops, recordings, or the larger scale performances. The latter are usually given by the Symphony Orchestra, Brasser (Wind Orchestra), Chamber Orchestra, Chapel Choir or Big Band, and include collaborations with the College's professional orchestra-in-partnership (London's Southbank Sinfonia), performances in venues in and around the town (St George's Church Preshute, St Mary's Church and the Merchant's House), as well as further afield in London (St Paul's Cathedral, The Royal Academy of Music, The Royal Over-Seas League), and abroad (most recently New York, Notre Dame and Poland).

In addition to our pupil based performances, there is also the evergreen professional Marlborough College Concert Series, now in its 77th season which offers concerts given by world class musicians.

Perhaps one of the most eagerly anticipated highlights on the horizon will be the reopening of the College's magnificent Memorial Hall this summer, following a major restoration. This will not only provide the College with a bespoke, state-of-the-art performing space but offer a fabulous venue for use by guest performers from around the world who can look forward to stunning acoustics to be enjoyed by both 'town and gown'. There will be no better example of this initiative than the forthcoming 'Memorial Hall Festival 2018' which takes place from November 1st - 11th, details of which will be advertised to the town in early summer.

Philip Dukes


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