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Tower and Town, September 2018

  (view the full edition)

Editorial: Marlborough A Member Of The Global Community

I have to come clean and admit to being a hoarder! You should see my study! On reflection, perhaps you shouldn't!

But amongst the many scrapbooks, CDs, minutes of distant meetings, letters sent while a VSO volunteer in Togo and Papua New Guinea to my parents in 1961and 1967 respectively, shelves of books, photograph albums etc. I have back numbers of every edition of Tower and Town dating back to 1977, the year I arrived (back) in Marlborough as a GP.

I thought it would be interesting to pick out a few articles and reflections from past editions and in some cases 'passed' contributors which particularly appealed to me. I have reflected the Tower and Town of our title by including both Faith and Secular articles. I make no apologies for the selection, in particular the international content of some of those chosen, and have no doubt that another editor would have chosen a very different selection (there are so many excellent articles to choose from), but I hope you will find this selection as interesting as I do.

It has not been possible to contact all the authors to obtain their permission to reprint what they wrote all those years ago. I hope I shall be forgiven if they discover that their name is once again "in lights" on the page.

Nick Maurice


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