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Tower and Town, May 2019

  (view the full edition)

Arts Review

Found and discarded objects, ephemera of every kind form the building blocks of Timmy Saville's work. Her exhibition at The White Horse Gallery comprises montages in two dimensional and three dimensional relief, as well as acrylic painting, and sketchbook drawings.

Described as 'post-Cubist methodology that is reworked into different forms', Timmy's collages are made from objects of transitory value, reimagined into new compositions. Whether it be food packaging, torn pages from newspapers and magazines, bus and train tickets, or old bits of frayed rope, these materials are upcycled and reworked into new constructions. Many of her collages are figurative, cardboard arms and legs for example determining a stance or a pose. The figures are inventive and amicable. Interestingly, there is a definite sense of womanliness with many of the figures, whereas others feel genderless. The sketches are like fashion drawings, and therefore I suppose, there is an assumption that they are female.

The densely layered wooden montages are bulky and boisterous. They have been welded together forming a strong and heavy construction, yet remain immensely attractive artworks. The viewer is drawn to them in a different way compared to Timmy's 2D work because you can see underneath the piles of wood, over and under the rope loopholes and in between the sticky layers of paint. (Not actually sticky of course, just the finish.)

The acrylic paintings mimic that Cubist style of bold shapes and fast brushstrokes. There is a clear and definite link between the sketches, paintings, and collages. It is an artist's working portfolio. One idea leading and developing onto to the next, forming a complete project.

This exhibition is about using objects that would have otherwise been just more rubbish. It is about turning used things into something new.

If we are looking for ways to recycle our waste, this must be one of the best.

Timmy Saville - Paintings & Collage was at the White Horse Gallery between 20th March - 12th April 2019.

Gabriella Venus


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