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Tower and Town, September 2019

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TTV: Omar Darboe

Working with young people in my community, my journey and the impact it has on my life.

My name is Omar N. Darboe. I was born and bred in Gunjur, The Gambia, West of Africa. I am a social worker, youth and environmental activist all rolled into one.

I started working with young people after my graduation from High School in 1999. Since then I have mobilized young people to engage them in community work and voluntary services.

Living in a small African village, human connections have become essential. The Gunjur-Marlborough link has, since 1983, created a massive opportunity for over 600 youths who have benefited through employment, travelling and economic opportunities. Among the beneficiaries of the link with Marlborough are Lamin Meko Janneh, a successful businessman in the Gambia, Mr. Madi Jatta Deputy Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Higher Education in the Gambia, Honorable Kebba K Barrow Member of Parliament and Majority Leader in the National Assembly.

The most sustainable projects established through Gunjur-Marlborough Link are the Marlborough Classroom Block at Gunjur Lower Basic School, Marlborough Mango Orchard, Marlborough Block at Gunjur Central Market and Trust Agency for Rural Development (TARUD) as an NGO in Gunjur among others.

Since the downfall of Gambia's dictator, Yahya Jammeh in 2017, I have been engaged in human rights activism and a campaign against corruption in Gambian government institutions. My involvement with young people is centred amongst other programmes on:


As mainly subsistence farmers and fishermen in this part of West Africa, our environment and how it is managed is very important to us because our livelihoods depend on it. Recently, our beautiful community has been at the receiving end of environmental degradation, climate change and drought. This has affected food production in The Gambia. Agriculture contributes the highest percentage in The Gambia's gross domestic product.

I have also been involved in the protests against Golden Lead Import and Export Company factory established in 2015 at Centre of Gunjur beach-side less than 150 meters away from the sea. The Chinese owned factory dumps its toxic waste in the sea and river nearby, killing aquatic life and emitting a very foul odour into the community. In one of my protests against the exploitation of my environment, I was arrested by the police and charged. A competent and fair judge, however, threw out the case and I was set free with other activists.


Gambian migrants are in the top 5 arriving on the shores of Europe via the Mediterranean. The factors contributing to this terrifying journey are lack of opportunities, unemployment, family and peer pressure. I work with the young people and organize workshops to dissuade them from undertaking this deadly journey for opportunities and what they see as 'streets paved with gold' which are, of course, nonexistent in Europe.

To say my work with the youths has had a positive impact on my life would be an understatement. I have also learned from the youths as much as they have learned from me. It has really helped shape my perspective about life, listening, networking and community organizing skills.

Omar Darboe


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