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Tower and Town, September 2019

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TTV: Toby Leslie

TTV is an amazing experience which transforms you into a well-rounded individual involving many aspects that have been developed by four specialised mentors over a year.

Throughout the year we met for multiple sessions, each with a different purpose. These ranged from being taught how to speak publicly to a large group of people, to being able to catch a story through the shutter on a camera. Being lucky enough to be chosen to do the Photography course, I was mentored by a fantastic Photography Mentor, Hilary Stock, a renowned professional known for her storytelling capabilities through a lens. Throughout the year I learnt numerous manual skills and it soon became a very big hobby of mine. Alongside this was a storytelling group whose job it was to record stories from locals and recreate through various different media. Furthermore, a business group was to set up a business plan for Gunjur to increase trade, the economy, and employment in the village. All of these groups had incredible training from industry professionals throughout the year.

During our visit to The Gambia, we embarked on multiple challenges, first of which was meeting Gambian partners. At first I was quite apprehensive, however after being taught how to talk and approach people I didn't know, I was much more at ease. My partner's name was Baba, he was a 22 year old poultry farmer/businessman. As soon as I told him about photography his facial expression was unforgettable and his passion for it grew daily. Following on from this, we bonded rapidly. Throughout the two weeks all 12 English students became lifelong friends with the group from Gunjur. Our friendship evolved from visiting the local primary school to teaching them (the Gambian partners) to swim. Mixing in with other local occupations also gave me an insight into how we live diverse lives and how they are the same if not even happier than us despite having less. If there was only one thing I could take away from meeting these people it would be to think about what you have, appreciate it, treasure it, and be happy all day every day no matter the circumstances.

Looking back at the trip I realise how much I have changed as a person. I have experienced huge boosts in many characteristics from confidence to communication to well-being. This trip for me couldn't have been any better both physically and mentally and I now feel more prepared for later life including meeting new people, University, and talking to larger audiences.

Toby Leslie


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