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Tower and Town, September 2019

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From Marlborough To Gunjur

The journey with the TTV initiative facilitated a truly life changing experience. After finishing the programme, I am truly taken aback at how much my perspective of the world has shifted. It was during my time out in The Gambia where I could see the invaluable nature of my very fortunate education and how it could help me to tackle real life problems in a constructive and collaborative manner.

The collaborative exchange of cultures was an important aspect of the trip. The idea of immersing yourself in another's culture to see its strengths and its weaknesses and also being able to reflect on where you come from and what you are fortunate for but what you would also like to see to change in your culture. This common respect of these two communities coming together highlighted to me that no matter who you are or your background there is always something to be learned from someone else's experience. The ability to see from a fresh perspective is one of the improved skills I value most from the trip.

The Gambians we were partnered with were amazing. The seamless ease into friendly conversation when we first met them indicated how much fun the trip was going to be. Sharing meals, playing card games, dancing, swimming and having a good laugh were just some of the brilliant things we enjoyed doing with them. What was striking was how all the Gambians were so optimistic for the future of The Gambia and how they all valued the principle of education and hard work. This encouraged us all to appreciate the education we had received.

The immense notion of community in the Gunjur was striking. The warm embracement of the entire group with the locals helped to set at ease the nerves of the group as we were slightly nervous in being in such a novel environment. One particular moment was when each member of our group went with our corresponding Gambian partners to their compounds where we ate and shared experiences with their entire family. The embracing nature of the families filled all of us with the sense of belonging to Gunjur and encouraged us to feel as if we had just adopted a second home. Another aspect was the immersion into a primarily Muslim based community, which gave us great insight into how Islam operates and its peaceful foundations. The breathtaking experience of being invited to attend the significant religious event of Tabaski or Eid al-Adha on our final day in The Gambia was a sight I will never forget.

Upon reflection, after arriving back in the UK it would be fair to say that my perspective of the world has evolved. I now see the globe as a far broader, far more diverse place than I had before, and it excites me. I have a passion not only to discover more of the world, but also to return to the embracing and loving community of the Gunjur that I now seem tethered to for ever.

Zac Place


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