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Tower and Town, February 2020

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A Visit To The Youth Centre At The Rec

Lisa Farrell and the Marlborough Community Youth Project:

Every Friday evening a large number of young people come to the Community and Youth Centre at The Rec, pre-teens and teenagers, boys and girls. Lisa Farrell has got this going: she inspired the Town Council's refurbishment and re-opening of the building two years ago and manages these Friday evenings with her helpers. She has a clear vision of what young people want and need after school: there are, for example, facilities for basketball and pool, cooking and drawing, and in the summer there is, of course, skateboarding outside.

Lisa clearly has a remarkable touch with these boys and girls: the atmosphere is busy, lively and noisy in a happy kind of way, but it is not rowdy and certainly not threatening. She makes it quite clear what 'goes' and what she will not tolerate.

She has a lot of support, without which none of this would happen. There is food in the kitchen: some is free, donated (like the 'party food' from Waitrose and Greggs) and some for sale, like the sweets. Megan, who has made a cake, and her aunt, Nicola, are two of the smiley adult volunteers who help and support. Guy, for example, arrives from his day job teaching at St Mary's to do some drawing and painting.

Equipment and help with the rent (the premises are hired from the Town Council) have come from various local sources, such as Waitrose, the Rotary Club, Marlborough College, Crosby and Lawrence and others, including Tower and Town. This generous support is absolutely vital to the running of these Friday evenings.

It all works, and works well, thanks to Lisa's connections and energy. Yet it is not enough: with more money the centre could employ a Youth Worker, open on a second evening, have more room, get a table-tennis table and a music system, install flood lights for the skateboard ramp in the winter, and do more, no doubt. There is public money available, but applying for it and getting hold of it is another matter. The demand is clear: the young people of Marlborough like a friendly place where they can hang out and it is, as their parents know, a safe environment. Lisa's vision and commitment deserves our continuing support.

John Osborne


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