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Tower and Town, April 2020

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Councillor Susie Price

Ms Susie Price is the youngest councillor on Marlborough Town Council and she is very passionate about the Marlborough community. We asked what she would do for the town if she were Mayor. Her response was very interesting: "Go out and meet people." We loved how young Susie is at heart and how enthusiastic her responses were to our questions.

Susie loves politics, but she never imagined herself being a councillor. A friend one day said that she might be good at it and put her name forward on the deadline day. She didn't have any expectations and says that there are a lot of decisions involved in the process of becoming a councillor. We asked whether it was a lot of work: "It depends whether you make it a lot of work. The busiest times are the Summer, and November, due to the Remembrance Day services. The day marks a great national achievement and the occasion is very important."

The inspiration behind her wanting to be Mayor is very simple. She is fascinated by her community and feels she would be giving back to the community in which she has lived most of her life. Since the new Mayor has arrived, she thinks that Marlborough has improved through new activities like Marlborough in Bloom.

She is very passionate about running the Devotion Youth Project because she regularly attended it when she was younger. The club has a long history in Marlborough, and it is important to keep it alive. Numbers have increased and decreased over time and now there are sometimes 30-40 young people on an evening.

Susie doesn't mind being the youngest on the Council. She feels that there is a very beneficial aspect to having a range of ages in meetings. She can use technology quickly and sometimes teaches other councillors how to use it. Susie says, "I am very lucky; it is a good job and I work with nice people. There is great staff working here and it involves a lot of teamwork." Susie says that being a councillor can be a lot of work if you make it a lot of work and Susie manages to make the most of every opportunity.

Millie Gardner and Milly Wetherhill


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