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Tower and Town, April 2020

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Councillor Don Heath

We interviewed Town Councillor Mr Don Heath and asked him what it was that inspired him to be a Councillor. Don considers that having been been able to use open public spaces and Town facilities throughout his life he now wants to voluntarily give something back to the Town. He is on the planning committee and one area of his job is being a Wiltshire Tree Warden of Marlborough town. As Tree Warden, he considers applications to cut down a tree and decides if there is a valid reason to do so. At the very least, he will try to limit cutting to the tree's branches to hopefully address any problem and with minimal damage to the tree.

Don is very interested in the environment and maintaining Marlborough's status in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. He is trying to reduce Marlborough's carbon footprint along with trying to limit the growth of the town. He is also the Chair of Amenities and Open Spaces and has been working hard to protect and improve our natural landscapes and open public spaces. He is part of the Planning and Staffing Committees, and puts a lot of conscientious effort into the work that he does.

He considers the impact on our public spaces when deciding on applications to expand or develop an existing house or build a new one. As Chairman of Amenities, his work is to get the best facilities for the town and help the town in every way he can.

Councillor Heath is very interested in the environment and wildlife. He likes to spend a lot of his time outside, whether it's walking on the Downs with his dog or riding his bike. He is also very interested in ornithology.

Being able to interview a Councillor was very enjoyable and we are grateful for the opportunity to have done this.

Atticus Fleming and Arthur Maculan


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