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Tower and Town, November 2020

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Colour Supplement: In Rural France

Living in a tiny hamlet in South West France, lockdown has not been difficult. Surrounded by countryside and with our local village eight kilometres away, we are lucky to have a large garden and swimming pool which we have been using since mid-May. Obviously, it's a very different picture for those living in apartments in cities. Coronavirus infection rates have until recently been low in the Tarn so the risk to us has been small. During the period of hard lock down, neighbours and locals have been marvellous, sharing shopping and other jobs. Our French vet offered to come out to us if the cat required any treatment and our builder offered us any help we might need.

After the tightest lockdown eased, we found ourselves using local restaurants for 'take-aways' Many around here prepared meals for collection and we would eat with friends outside around the pool. Indeed we have probably eaten 'out' more than in normal times. We also managed to have socially distanced apéros with our neighbours opposite, much to the amusement of the local community passing by on their tractors. And, as things have opened up, we have been to an outdoor concert at a nearby chateau and in August eaten outside several times at one of our local vignerons where a superb chef who has not been able to open his restaurant this year has served outstanding meals in beautiful countryside.

Yes, we have missed travel, friends and concerts and operas and, because we are still partially isolating, our wonderful Cordes market - too many people and tourists who are unmasked and do not 'distance' - but that is a problem we can easily live with. We have been lucky: now we will see what the future holds.

Drinks with the neighbours

Peter Tinniswood


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