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Tower and Town, November 2020

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A Sound Breaks The Silence

It was still, stiller than ice. A bird flew overhead, its wings clapping. It came to land on a bush not far from where I stood. Flapping its wings once or twice to make itself comfortable. A swarm of gnats circled quietly about my hat in the lamplight.

The occupants of the house next door started clapping, so did we, shattering the peaceful aura of melancholy silence, enveloping the houses.

My hands were slowly warming up from their former icy condition, although, my nose was extremely cold. A large insect flew past my left ear.

Pretty soon the entire hamlet was clapping, there was a loud POP, and a shower of gold rain lit up inky black sky. There was a fizz and a pop and a bang. A large bird, frightened by the loud noises, zoomed over the hedge, shrieking wildly. There was whistling, and shouting, and more fireworks. There was another shower of gold rain.

We were still clapping.

A gust of wind rustled the leaves of the trees above my head. A cricket jumped onto my leg, and a cat, purring like a motorbike, curled around my ankles. A car rushed by on the road, its horn blaring.

We were still clapping.

Another downpour of gold rain lit up the dark sky. My ears were getting cold, so I paused and readjusted my scarf. Some bats were flying overhead, dipping and diving. I shivered; I was absolutely freezing. Bang, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, whizz, went the fireworks, covering the sky with blue and white stars.

We were still clapping.

Another car rushed by, leaving the night blacker than before, as the swathes of light dissipated on my retinas. There was a loud bang, from the fireworks, as a large downpour of blue and white rain, filled the sky.

We were still clapping.

The village dogs were barking, and a cat flew over the wall and scrambled up a tree. A train rushed past; its windows little pinpricks of light against the sky.

Pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, BANG. Yet another shower filled the sky. BANG, BANG, BANG!

Benjamin Mcnerney (Year 7)


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