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Tower and Town, December 2020

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Clergy Letter

At this time last year, could anyone have imagined that we would hear such terms as 'Lockdown', 'Covid-19' and 'Social Distancing'; these were unknown to us. But as we enter a new month what can our future be?

Into a confused world. A very different and difficult world for us all, the presence of God's greatest gift is once again made known to us each and every day, especially during the days of Advent and Christmas. The gift is Jesus Christ, the Son of God, born for us - a gift given and received.

The word "Advent" means 'coming'. The Bible makes known in reading and prayer the coming of the Messiah. Advent holds out to us the opportunity to share in the drama of Christ's birth, His first coming and at the same time renew our desire for His second coming at the end of time. These days invite us all to rediscover the child within us and to become a child in relation to God whom we love and address as "Our Father". This means humbling ourselves before the Christmas mystery: through the poverty of the manger the glory of God is revealed, the shepherds were the first witnesses. This is why we never tire of celebrating Christmas when God became man, revealing Himself as "God-with-us", Emmanuel.

Will Christmas be different this year? Almost certainly in the way we can or cannot celebrate - limited in numbers, places, traditions. But it will be the Celebration of the Birth of Jesus Christ and it will be, even though we are frightened and uncertain about each day and our future. It is a season of prayer, and by that it is an acknowledgement that we are not in control, we need help and hope. To lift our hearts in prayer to God, in thanksgiving, praise, fright, tears and smiles the time of Advent and Christmas is such to give us what we seek: the peace, joy and love that does not fade.

May we celebrate these thoughts and share them with each other as we trust in God for Advent, Christmas and the New Year, staying safe in God's love for us.

Fr John Blacker


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