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Tower and Town, December 2020

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u3a Interest Groups And Covid-19

The Coronavirus pandemic has meant that we have had to change our systems for the time being and many of our interest groups are meeting on-line or using conference call arrangements and others such as the walking and cycling groups have been meeting outdoors in groups of 6 or less until the latest lockdown. But it is still working, despite the physical restriction of one of the important advantages of membership for many being the actual companionship with friends.

Since the original lockdown and going forward, u3a has adapted in order to survive, support our members and flourish by grasping the digital nettle of Zoom and other web-based technologies such as email, YouTube and the WhyPay telephone conferencing facility. Like many things, it is easy when you know how. Every little helps and so, until the latest lockdown, we found ways, within the complicated government rules, for many groups to continue to meet outside face-to-face much as before. Among these are the groups of dog walkers and the four walking groups from the leisurely strollers, the four and six milers and the adventurous striders. Add to these the Cycling Group and the Flora & Fauna group. In the fine summer weather, some language learners also met outside, socially distanced of course.

Zoom and similar systems have become the friend of many groups. Here are some enjoying this facility: Spanish, Controversial Discussion, Italian, German, French, Book Clubs, American and English History, Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics, Art, Photography, Music and Jazz Appreciation, Poetry and Philosophy.

A few groups have decided to suspend their activities to see how Covid-19 develops and then reactivate at the appropriate time. These include Patchwork and Quilting (a bit difficult to do on a computer screen!), and some other groups.

Thus, Covid-19 has not succeeded in breaking u3a and we have even started some new groups during the pandemic including Philosophy and the Marlborough High Street Project.

So, if you, or someone you know, might benefit from being a member, why not join us? Just make contact and ask whatever you want. Learn something new or refresh an old hobby. Share your experience or skills. Enjoy making new friends. Make time to learn, laugh and live life now.

Jeff Hide is Groups Coordinator of u3a in Kennet

Jeff Hide


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