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Tower and Town, December 2020

  (view the full edition)

Health And Wellbeing

In accordance with the vision of the u3a movement to offer lifelong learning to those no longer working, u3a in Kennet offers a range of activities and learning, fulfilling a valuable role as a means of providing a range of opportunities for:

  • social contact: monthly Group meetings, Coffee Exchange sessions and 'Kennet u3a Talks' (connecting)
  • physical exercise: walking, cycling and some sports (being active)
  • exploring new interests (taking notice)
  • learning without pressure - no exams (keep learning)
  • sharing knowledge and expertise (giving)

This broad focus aligns with research on maintaining positive physical and mental health in the report: "The 5 ways to wellbeing" from the New Economics Foundation, October 2008.

Despite the challenges of Covid-19, most of the u3a in Kennet Groups have continued using online technologies: Zoom, telephone conference calls and outdoor activities with social distancing.

Reflecting this focus on health, Sir Muir Gray, CBE, MD delivered a presentation on 'Living Longer Better' in June 2020. A well-respected national figure in public health ( Sir Muir explained that the number of UK residents over 80 will double during the next 10 years. Although medical research has produced many treatments which increase life expectancy, most people want to increase their healthy life expectancy, to live longer better and not spend their latter years in a care home or dependent on children. He confirmed that research has proved that this is possible and ageing is not normally a problem until we are over 90.

Knowledge is the key to understanding how the risks of dementia, frailty and dependency can be reduced by focussing on increasing physical, social and intellectual activity. This knowledge can help people to become physically fitter, increase their brain ability and reduce the risk of dementia. He explained the difference between ageing, loss of fitness, frailty and wellbeing and stated that we should all take more (not less) exercise as we age. He recommended activities such as taking up a new hobby or language to stimulate the brain, helping others providing a sense of purpose, positive thinking and a sensible diet.

Jill Turner is Vice Chair of u3a in Kennet

Jill Turner


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