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Tower and Town, December 2020

  (view the full edition)

Special Interest Day On Climate Change

u3a in Kennet provides a range of regular talks for members and potential members including the monthly Coffee Exchange sessions and the programme of Kennet u3a Talks. The Special Interest Day is an extension to these events and is as a one-off event to which u3a members outside our Kennet region are invited.

With an active focus on current affairs and issues of relevance to all generations including the important topic of climate change, plans have been developed jointly with Marlborough College for a Special Interest Day on Climate Change and Sustainable Futures. The event will adopt a balanced and positive approach to the significant climate changes that are being experienced now across the world. A panel of qualified climatologists and scientists has been assembled to set out the main issues and to identify some potential ways forward.

Climate Change Talk

The speakers include Penny Tranter from the Meteorological Office who will address the question of whether climate change is real; Robin Stafford Allen, formerly with the Culham Centre for Fusion Energy, will explore the potential for fusion power; Professor Peter Edwards from Oxford University will speak on the Circular Carbon Economy; and Dr Katherine Steentjes from Cardiff University will outline society's current perceptions of climate change and support for low carbon lifestyles.

u3a in Kennet has collaborated previously with Marlborough College in arranging educational events for u3a members and College students and generous support has been offered. The Special Interest Day will take place in the College Memorial Hall on the rescheduled date of Tuesday 4th May 2021.

Jill Turner


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