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Tower and Town, December 2020

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u3a Coffee Exchanage Brings Us Together

A key reason that people join u3a, in addition to learning or enhancing skills or interests, is the opportunity to network and meet other like-minded members. Our highly popular monthly Coffee Exchange gatherings provide just that.

Until Covid-19 hit us all, many members would meet every last Thursday in the month at the Wesley Hall in Marlborough. Over coffee and biscuits, it offered the opportunity meet up with colleagues from our various interest groups and to hear from our Chairman, David Hammond, on news and developments within our own u3a in Kennet as well as national u3a issues.

However, after listening to our members' views, it was decided to revamp these monthly meetings to include a guest speaker to add a new dimension to the event. For just ten minutes or so, as well as time for questions, a stream of interesting speakers has engaged our attention during the last year or so. Guest speakers have included current members, business figures, and local experts and enthusiasts.

Coffee Morning

So far these have ranged from environmental and countryside spokespersons, local history enthusiasts, political figures such as our former mayor, and former professionals recounting their previous working lives. According to a recent poll of our members, subjects that interest them most are health and keeping well, travel and leisure, local history and the environment.

As a result of Covid-19, our Coffee Exchange meetings are now continuing via Zoom. And the numbers attending have not diminished in the slightest either. Also, after our guest speaker and question time has finished, attendees can now join break-out groups to continue to socialise and chat.

Details of future Coffee Exchange events and speakers are regularly updated on our website. And if you have ideas for future topics or speakers or would like to volunteer to speak, then please contact our Speaker Secretary:

Chris Webb is Speaker Secretary of u3a in Kennet

Chris Webb


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