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Tower and Town, December 2020

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St Mary's Organ Appeal

On Friday 30th October there was an organ recital in St Mary's to launch the appeal for the restoration of the pipe organ due to take place in the second half of 2021. Music was provided by three local organists: Michael Reynolds (St Mary's), Andrew Brown (St George's); and Ian Crabbe (Marlborough College).

The St Mary's pipe organ is a fine, 140-year-old instrument but it is in need of professional treatment. The work that is planned will "bring the organ back into first rate condition ready to tackle the next 100 years of service". It will take Cooke Organs of Salisbury and Westbury over 3 months to complete all the dismantling, cleaning, mending and reassembling that is required. The total bill will come just short of £42,000.

At the time of the launch 62% of this has been secured by means of donations, grants and gift aid, leaving us with about £15,000 to find. The bulk of this is to be raised by our 'Pledge-A-Pipe' campaign, whereby donors can donate any multiple of £10, either as a one-off payment or by monthly payments spread over a year. There are 1098 pipes, so 1100 pledges at £10 a pipe will raise £11,000, which with gift aid will get us close to the target.

All necessary information about this appeal and ways of giving can be accessed from the St Mary's website under Organ Restoration Appeal. If you have any questions about this appeal please do not hesitate to contact me at or 511725.

David Du Croz


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